Growing Faith

Faith continues growing. you don't just have it or don't have it. with my achiever mindset, much of the time i find myself noticing, analyzing, strategizing and accomplishing.

this achieving can be my greatest weakness. finding faith but allowing that to become stagnant cancels out any victory in finding it. stagnant faith can be one of the greatest downfalls that we ever experience. God wants our everything. we have missed the point when we say we've made it. trust me. there's still more.

allow yourself to be vulnerable to Christ's promises. grow in your faith. trust Him in everything, and watch the pieces fall into place as God wills them to be...

"Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you. He will make your innocence radiate like the dawn, and the justice of your cause will shine like the noonday sun." Psalm 37:5


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